Alister/Buck // He/Him // 18+
Hello and welcome to my website. This is a place where you will find pretty much any information you'll ever need from me. This includes my social media links and how to reach me, my commissions, and other general information. Please be aware though that I am not a professional coder, or web designer for that matter, so if things are not as polished as they probably should be I promise im working on it.


DISCORD: BUCK#3002 || Deviantart || Instagram || Twitter || Artfight
Commissions: OPEN // Trades: ASK // Requests: NEVER

Should you need to reach me, Discord or are the best places to reach me. I'd prefer to be messaged on first and foremost however before being contacted on my discord! I tend to be fairly awkward when it comes to casually socializing with strangers so a heads up with always very much appricated. But again, if the matter is important do not hesitate to reach out asap!

Social media links are in order from most to least used. My TH has some characters that are log-in only, so if you cant see them thats why. Almost all my art is posted there before anywhere else, in addition to new characters and adoptables. I am trying to post on other sites more, though it is slow goings I'm afraid.